How does LASIK work? Everything you need to know

LASIK surgery may be a game-changer if you’re tired of relying on glasses or contact lenses to see clearly. LASIK, or Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, is a commonly sought refractive surgery that aims to reshape the eye’s transparent front surface, known as the cornea. This surgical procedure has transformed the lives of millions by providing a long lasting solution to common vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

The Basics of LASIK Surgery

Initial Examination:
Before undergoing LASIK, individuals undergo a thorough eye examination to assess their eligibility for the procedure. Elements like the cornea’s thickness, the prescription’s stability, and the eyes’ overall health are evaluated.

Creating the Flap:
LASIK involves using a specialized laser to create a thin flap on the cornea. This flap is like a hinged door that can be lifted to access the underlying corneal tissue.

Reshaping the Cornea:
Once the flap is created, another laser reshapes the corneal tissue beneath. This step is crucial in correcting the refractive errors causing vision issues.

Flap Repositioning:
After the corneal reshaping is complete, the flap is carefully repositioned. It acts as a natural bandage, helping with the healing process.

Rapid Recovery:
One of the significant advantages of LASIK is the quick recovery. Many individuals experience improved vision within a day or two, and the discomfort is typically minimal.

The Science Behind LASIK

Corneal Reshaping:
The core principle of LASIK lies in altering the shape of the cornea.

Precision with Laser Technology:
LASIK utilizes excimer lasers, which emit cool ultraviolet light. These lasers are incredibly precise, accurately removing microscopic amounts of corneal tissue down to the micrometer.

Customized Treatment:
Advanced LASIK techniques include wavefront-guided or topography-guided treatments. These technologies create a personalized cornea map, allowing for highly customized and precise corrections.

Factors Influencing LASIK Success

Prescription Stability:
LASIK is most effective for individuals with a stable prescription. Significant changes in prescription after the surgery may impact the long-term success of the procedure.

Corneal Thickness:
The thickness of the cornea plays a vital role in LASIK candidacy. Individuals with thin corneas may have limitations in tissue that can be safely removed.

Eye Health:
Good overall eye health is crucial for LASIK’s success. Pre-existing conditions or diseases may affect the outcome, and candidates with certain issues may
not be suitable for the procedure.

Advantages of LASIK

Quick Results:
LASIK provides rapid results, with many individuals experiencing improved vision almost immediately after the procedure.

Reduced Dependence on Corrective Lenses:
One of the primary benefits of LASIK is a significant reduction or elimination of dependence on glasses or contact lenses.

Enhanced Quality of Life:
Improved vision positively impacts daily activities, from driving and sports to enjoying the simplicity of seeing clearly without aids.

Risks and Considerations

Common Side Effects:
While LASIK is generally safe, common side effects may include dry eyes, glare, halos, and light sensitivity. These are usually temporary.

Rare Complications:
Serious complications, though rare, can include infection, corneal damage, or persistent vision issues. Understanding these risks is essential for informed decision-making.

Candidacy Criteria:
Only some people are suitable candidates for LASIK. Factors such as age, pre-existing conditions, and pregnancy can impact candidacy.

Post-Operative Care

Follow-Up Appointments:
Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon are crucial for monitoring progress and promptly addressing concerns.

Recovery Tips:
Following post-operative care instructions, including using prescribed eye drops and avoiding certain activities, is essential for a smooth recovery.

Potential Adjustments:
In some cases, enhancements or adjustments may be necessary to fine-tune the results. Understanding this possibility is part of realistic expectations. LASIK surgery is a transformative procedure that has provided clear vision and improved quality of life for countless individuals. Understanding the intricacies of how LASIK works, the factors influencing its success, and the associated benefits and considerations is crucial for those considering this life-changing surgery. If you’re tired of the hassle of glasses or contacts, LASIK may be the key to seeing the world with clarity and freedom. Consult Columbus LASIK Vision to determine if LASIK is the right choice.

About Dr. Columbus

Dr. Bill, as he is affectionately known, is the founder and surgical director at Columbus LASIK Vision. He received his Bachelor’s Degree at Scranton University and his medical degree at Penn State University Medical Center where he also performed his internal medicine internship. He then spent three years at Nassau County Medical Center training in Ophthalmology. Shortly after finishing at Nassau county, he began his cornea and refractive fellowship at the prestigious Cornell Medical Center in Manhattan. Dr. Columbus has demonstrated his commitment to excellence with over 25,000 corrective eye procedures.